Friday, 6 October 2017

Rapping in the city/practise footage

As this is my first editing task, I feel I have managed to create a video that uses some effects and matches movement to the timing of the music. I tried to match the music with the type of images in the video, I thought rapping paired nicely with cities (New York).
Between each shot I inserted a 'fade' effect to avoid the the blank change between them. Another effect I used was 'black and white' which is simple to do. the last effect I used was a 'wavy' effect. I used this on the 'dancing animals' as both of them are quite abstract and unusual.
To improve this practise footage, I could have added various other effects e.g. I could have sped up the music or changed the pitch of the music to make it more interesting.

1 comment:

GBHSmedia said...

Come and see us to sort out your labels. Add a description of the effects and transitions you played around with.

Media Revision