Sunday, 10 September 2017

Analysis of Wonder Woman Trailer

Use of Colour in Wonder Woman Trailer
At the beginning of the trailer you are submerged into a sea of blue, green and sandy colour; they are all reasonably bright. This initial shot could include all these colours to show that nature is important in the film. As the trailer develops the colours seem to get darker and duskier as the scene changes to night time. As the film is set in World War 1, you would think it would be black and white but the producers have really latched on to vibrant colours in the film to maybe present the aspects of World War 1 we have not seen before in other films of this time. We see a very vibrant colour in the part where ‘Diana Prince’ (Wonder Woman) walks into a room of full of people. She is wearing a bright blue dress which stands out in the orangey hazy background. This could have been done to highlight her as the main focus for the trailer as she is the main character of the overall film.
The scene is particularly dark when there is a war scene with just scattered fires on the ground as brightness. The reasoning for the darkness during a fighting scene is to show the audience that danger is involved and something bad is about to happen. The darkness could also be a warning to the audience watching the trailer, that something is about to happen.
Over halfway through the trailer, wonder woman is shown in a war/fighting scene. She is the only one with the slightest of colour on her again, all the background soldiers are wearing beige/khaki uniforms but she is wearing dull armour with red gold and blue colouring. It is quite ironic because surely in a war scene you want to be camouflaged. Perhaps she isn’t in plain colouring to show that she doesn’t need to be, she is more powerful than any of the men surrounding her therefore she does not need it.

Towards the end of the trailer the colouring is soft brown, gold, orange colours to make sure the audience knows that there is a hint of safety after the dramatic action filled scenes before.   

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