Facial Expression-Meaning
In this image the character appearing on the left (Jude Law) seems as if he has just heard some troubling news and he is trying to process it in his head. His facial expression is quite calm yet pensive. The character on the right has facial expressions that make him look as if he is in a conversation with someone and he is looking at them quite shocked and surprised with what they have just told him. The moustache on both the characters' face looks quite old and not very modern. 
This image shows the character in the middle looking commanding and in control, he seems to have a very straight face which makes him seem very stern. As the people are grouped around him, it makes them look like they are his followers. A soldier on the bottom left has his hand on his hat which could be a sign of respect to the man's presence. Finally as the middle mans' hands are on his hips, it suggests he has a strong posture suggesting he is not afraid of anything.
In this image, the positioning of both characters is very distant and far apart, this suggests that neither of the characters want to be near each other meaning that they could have previously had an argument. This picture could show relationship problems which could suggest that this film is about relationships and the troubles that come with them.
Within the second image, the positioning of the axe is central in the middle, highlighting that there could be death in this film, suggesting that it is either a horror or thriller film? As the axe is stuck in the plank of wood, it looks like it has already been thrown, perhaps in anger or haste.
In the third image, both characters are positioned close next to each other which could show that they are partners or they work together in a team. The positioning of the guns are slightly tilted upwards and their hands are near the trigger, this could show that they are both about to shoot the guns. The use of guns suggests that this film is either an action or thriller.
In the final image, the positioning of the male standing in the centre suggests that he is the main character. The positioning of his arms suggest that he holds great strength. The army of people around him could either be his army that he is in charge of or they are his enemy that he is trying to battle by himself.
How Does Mise en Scene convey period?

What types of lighting are used in these images?
A) High key lighting B) Low key lighting C) High key lighting D)Low key lighting E) High key lighting
F) High key lighting
The lighting used in this image is low key but however the lamp in the image could be high key. The key light in this image is the lamp, the filler lights are in the mirror from the background. The back light could be from the window? The lamp is vital for this image because without it we wouldn't be able to see that the male character has a cut on his face and even what the male characters' facial features are.
I think that this image uses low key lighting. The key light is the streetlight in the background, I feel as if the filler light could be from the reflection on the car and on the man's white tee-shirt. The back light could come from the top left of the image. The streetlight from this image could suggest safety, without the light, neither us or the male character would be able to see anything therefore it would be more scary. The light is also reflected in the drops of rain shooting down from the sky, this could suggest that the rain is a vital part to this scene.
Like the previous image, I feel like it uses low key lighting because you can see shadows on the wall. I think the key light in this image is the light appearing out the door, the filler light could be from above the door. I think the back light is a light we can't see but is reflecting on the back of the two male characters in the bottom right of the image. I feel as if the light in this image is very important because it looks as if there is something vital in the door. As the light is right behind the female character, it makes the audience think that the woman is behind something.
I think the lighting is low key because it is mainly black and white. The key light in this image is the light hanging from the ceiling above the red heart. I think the filler light is the second lamp on the table, then the back light is coming from the window. The lighting in this image is very low key as I feel this accentuates the brightness of the red heart and makes it stand out against the black and white.
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