Monday, 16 October 2017
Analysis of Similar Adverts
All 3 of these adverts have one commonality. This is that the sweets all have a physical effect on people. In the 'MAOAM' advert, the sweet makes him want to dance with great passion, the second advert which is the 'HARIBO' sweet, makes the adults sense their inner child and therefore reminding them of their childhood. The last advert makes the consumer want to smile and enlightens her mood which suggests by eating one of these sweets can create happiness.
'MAOAM' Advert
Audience- I feel the audience in this advert is aimed at youth, I think that because of the choice of music which is very upbeat and fast. I also feel as if the audience is youth because of the choice of actor who is a young man. Another reasoning for me thinking the advert is aimed at the younger generation is the choice of location which is a school hall and school is associated with younger people.
Language- The audience instantly know that this advert advertises the brand 'MAOAM' because of the brand name/logo. This is then the focus for the remainder of the advert, the audience now concentrates on the brand. The dancing connotes a feeling of happiness and enjoyment (similar to the contentment you receive when you eat the sweet).
Costume- All the actors are wearing simple clothing with no patterns, maybe because they do not want their clothing to detract from the product they are trying to advertise.
Lighting- There is high key lighting throughout the whole video.
Actors- All the actors are people in their mid 20's.
Make up
Props- The props the advert uses is a rucksack which plays music and obviously the sweet.
Setting- The setting is an empty school hall, perhaps it is empty to ensure the attention is mainly on the sweet.
Camera- The camera angles go from long shot to mid-long shot then it does a close up of the male actors feet, then the middle part, then his face. Then when he is dancing on his own it is a mid-long shot then extra long-shot then the rest after that are all mid-long shot.
Sound- In this advert the song is an upbeat dancing song which is likely to be listened to by the younger generation rather than older people.
'HARIBO' Advert
Audience- Personally, I think the audience for the second advert is anyone but due to the actors in it, I feel it is mainly for middle-aged people. The fact the advert is set in a boardroom shows me that it might not be targeted for young children as it isn't very exciting.
Language- Around 5 seconds in, we see the brand name 'HARIBO' which is easily recognisable by almost everyone. The red heart that the camera focusses in on connotes the idea of love which he later on mentions.
Costume- All of the actors are wearing smart/business clothes which would usually connote a serious tone however in this advert we know that they are just wearing those clothes because they are in a boardroom.
Lighting- Throughout the whole of the advert, they use high-key lighting. The key light in the advert is from the sky from the window in the background.
Make up
Props- The use of props the actors use are the sweets themselves, the actors use the product themselves and talk about them in the advert.
Setting- The setting is in a business boardroom, this seriousness could compare with the excitement and the fun from the sweet, the seriousness accentuates the enjoyment of the sweet.
Camera- The first shot uses the camera angle crab right, then close up of the woman,then the sweets. After that it continues to do close ups of each characters and then the sweets.
Sound- My favourite part of the advert is the sound because everyones voices have been changed to sound like children's voices, this adds a sense of humour to the advert which I really like.
Audience- I feel like the advert is mainly targetted towards younger people because of the use of bright colours and funny faces. However there is nothing in the advert that would stop older people from watching it. Also there is no specific gender that is predominant in the advert, therefore I think that any genders could watch this advert.
Language- I feel that the use of the primary colours of the sweets connote that they are preferred by younger people. From seeing the sweet itself I can understand that the advert is advertising fruit pastels because I recognise it. However I feel that not many people would recognise this as the 'Rowntree's' fruit pastel.
Costume- There aren't really any costumes right until the end of the advert when we see the woman wearing a yellow jumper.
Lighting- Like all the other adverts, the lighting is high key, it is also bright because of the white background as well.
Make up
Props- There isn't really any use of props because the advert is predominantly animated but at the end the prop is the sweet itself which is being eaten by the woman.
Setting- The setting is a plain white background which highlights the colourful sweets as the main focus.
Camera- the camera is close pall the way through the advert until it reaches the woman, then it is an extra close-up.
Sound- The sound in this advert is a rhythmic tune which changes to the eat that the sweets are moving, this makes the advert appear neat and uniform.
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OUTSTANDING. Your planning and preparation really paid off!
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