BARB- This stands for the Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. It is an organisation that complies audience measurement and television ratings in the UK.
Webcasting License- Firstly webcasting can be live or on demand. Webcasting licenses allow people who wish to carry out internet broadcasting using copywriter material.
Technological Convergence- This is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing a similar task ie. the combination of 2 or more different technological devices in a single device.
Semantic Web- This is a proposed development of the World Wide Web in which data in web pages is structured and tagged in a way that can be directly read by computers.
Internet of Things- This is the interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.
Binge-Viewing- This is the multiple viewing of episodes in rapid succession, this is either using DVD's or online streaming e.g. Netflix.
DAB- This stands for Digital Audio Broadcasting, it is a digital radio which is standard for broadcasting digital audio radio services. It is used in countries across Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific
Traditional Media- This is a term used to describe the everyday media texts that the public use daily, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, tax press and the print publication.
Google Analytics- This is a web analytics service that is offered by Google which tracks and reports website traffic.
RAJAR- This stands for Radio Joint Audience Research. This is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It was set up by BBC and Radio Centre in 1992 to measure their audience sing the same system. It is a non profit organisation. It is owned and controlled by the industry it serves.,
NRS- This stands for the National Readership Survey. This is a system of demographic classification used in the UK. It was originally used to classify readers but is now also used by many other organisations for wider applications. It has become a standard for market research.
MIDAS- This stands for Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales.
Cultural Imperialism- This is the domination of one culture over another. This can take the form of a general attitude or an active/formal/deliberate policy which includes military action.
Democratisation of the Mass Media- A media democracy uses information technologies to empower individual citizens and promotes democratic ideals through the spread of information.
Effects of Piracy- Piracy directly affects the profit of the software industry/film industry.
Horizontal Integration- This is when the production company expands into other areas of one industry. Merges with other companies help eliminate competition.
Vertical Integration- This is when a production company has the ownership of the means of production, marketing and distribution.
Diversification- Firstly, diversification is the action of making or becoming more diverse or varied. In media
Alternative Media and Independent Media- Alternative media is just media which is different from dominant types of media in terms of content, distribution and production. This could take form of print, audio, video, street art and internet. Independent media refers to any form of media such as radio, television, newspapers or the internet, this is free of influence by government.
Conglomerate- When 2 or more companies engage in a multi-industry company.
GRA- This is the Games Rating Authority.
PEGI- This is the Pan European Game Information, it is a European video game content rating system. This was established to help European consumers make informed decisions when buying video games or apps through the use of age recommendations and content descriptions.
Mediawatch UK- This campaigns for socially responsible media and against content which is potentially harmful. Originally known as The National Viewers and Listeners Association. They stimulate debate over impacts of potentially harmful media. They campaign against violent, sexually explicit and obscene material in the media.
IPSO- This is the Independent Press Standards Organisation. This is an independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK.
Watershed- This is protecting children from harmful material on TV and radio.
OFCOM- This is the communications regulator in the UK. They regulate the TV, radio, video-on-demand sectors, fixed-line telecoms (phones), mobiles and postal services.
BBC Charter- This is an accompanying agreement which recognises its editorial independence and sets outfits pubic obligations in detail.
Synergy- This is the interaction cooperation of 2 or more organisations or other agents to produce a combines effect greater than the sum of their separate effects e.g. The Greatest Showman and their soundtrack.
PSB- This is Public service broadcasting which refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than serve purely commercial interests.
Broadcast Code- This is the rule book for TV channels and radio stations and sets for standards for programmes which broadcasters have to follow. The Code exists to protect viewers and listeners from harmful and offensive content but also ensures that broadcasters have the freedom to make challenging programmes.
IWF- This is the Internet Watch Foundation. They attempt to remove all child sexual abuse images offline, this is their main focus for all their communications and campaigns. They work internationally to ensure the internet is a safer place.
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