Right Wing- Daily Mail, The Sun, The Telegraph, The Times
- Conservative
- UKIP (UK Independent Party), BNP (British National Party)
- Traditional Values→ love of the past (royals, veterans etc.)
- 'Survival of the fittest' mentality→ we should be able to keep the money we earn because deserve it
- Don't believe in benefits/ welfare for all
- Don't want the NHS or state schools (privatisation)
- Tied to Christianity- against gay marriage, some are anti-abortion etc. traditional views about women (should not be priests etc. )
- Pro-Brexit, anti-immigration
- Not worried about the environment
- Pro nuclear weapons
Left Wing- The Guardian, The Mirror, Financial Times
- Labour, The Green Party
- Optimists- visionaries of the future (forward looking)
- Pro-Europe (Anti-Brexit), Pro-immigration, Pro-Multiculturalism
- 'Welfare state', benefits "for the many not the few"
- Higher taxes- especially the rich
- Looking for more equality
- 'Idealists'
- Fight for women's rights, gay rights etc.
- Pro-Nationalism
- Very concerned with the environment
Owen Jones Political Twitter Speaker-
"Largey run by a very small group of right wing media moguls who defend the status quo of which thy are a part. If you are on the left and want to change society, the media will always come and get you."
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