Wednesday 22 November 2017

News- How can you spot bias in a newspaper?

1. Bias through choice of photos (size), captions and camera angles- does the person look empowered? Weak? Foolish?

The picture of Jeremy Corbyn is comedic and humiliating, which presents him as someone who is irresponsible and silly. This is biased because it is clearly showing that The Sun are anti-labour, this could make readers feel the same.

2. Bias through placement- is it on the front page or hidden on page 15? How long/ thorough is the article?

This article was found 14 articles down the Daily Mail online website, as this is positioned so0 low down, it shows us that the Daily Mail don't believe this is major news, it is basically brushed aside.

3. Bias through word choice and tone (is it sympathetic or critical?)

This is biased because immigrants are being linked with the word 'invasion'. This headline makes immigrants sound like enemies who are invading somewhere they shouldn't be. This injects a view onto the audience of the Daily Express (Hypodermic needle theory).

Image result for biased headlines

4. Bias through headlines- what is the headline/ article, and how is the article pitched through the headline?

This is biased because The Sun is quite clearly pro-brexit as they have been quite humiliating to the people who are anti-brexit by being comedic and sarcastic in the way they present their views.

5. Bias through source control- who have they interviewed/ asked for information?

Instead of the newspaper interviewing the woman whom the 'time for botox' article was about, they could have chosen to interview the BBC instead to portray a different perspective.

6. Bias through use of names and titles- nicknames, respectful terms, etc.

This is very biased because they have called Theresa May many alternative names in a negative fashion, which shows they are against her and her party. The newspaper are letting their opinion and views get in the way of the news story.

7. Bias through selection or omission- which articles are included and left out?

Image result for queen 'paradise papers' newspaper coversNewspapers will not include an article if it is a bit to close to home with their company, for example, the Paradise Papers was a big story which should have been a rolling story for most newspapers, however, some chose not to include it because the owners of their newspaper companies were doing the same thing as the celebrities.

8. Bias through statistics and crowd counts- how statistics are manipulated to make a point. eg. 20% of students failed exams OR 80% of students passed their exams.

This newspaper is biased because they are making out that mental patients are terrifying people that should be steered clear of. They could have been portrayed more positively if they hadn't have said the figure.

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